
KHI FF UJEP Ústí nad Labem
PVH FF UK in Prague

(Applicants department)

In pursuance of the project  the department functioned as a main coordinator in the process of formation of the online database of town books and as a main coordinator of implementation of the edition series Libri Civitatis. Its workers participated on preparation of individual volumes of the series. The department carried out several projects focused on the history of towns (including the project of the Fund for Development of Higher Education, whose aim was to involve students in research of various urban issues, summary of the results of these projects can be found in the collection  M. HRUBÁ ( ed.), Města severozápadních Čech v raném novověku, AUP Phil. et Hist. IV., Studia Historica IV., 2000, ISBN 80-7044-306-5. The most significant project dealing with the urban issue was the project taking place in the years 2004-2006 called Ediční řada Nejstarší městské knihy severozápadních a severních Čech(GA ČR No. 404/04/0261). The department has broad international contacts in this branch of scientific research, as an example we can mention realization of the important  international conference (2008) and subsequent publication (2010), whose German version is being prepared in cooperation with the Institut für vergleichende Städtegeschichte, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster. The current research activity in terms of this research subject is focused mainly on methodological work in the implementation of a nationwide database of town books until the middle of the 17th century.  Some methodological seminars took place (2009-2011), which were attended by archivists from the whole country. These seminars were just as in previous years supported by the implementation of the project OP VK 2.3 A potentia ad actum which offers a range of educational activities for participants and collaborators in research projects. By doing so the project supports development of professional research capacities and consequently also sustainability of research in this area. Among the most important activities and outcomes in recent period was the active participation of the research team at the 10th Congress of Czech historians in Ostrava (September 2011), where was presented research of town documents at the Department of History Phil.F JEPU in general  (3 papers, including postgraduate  students). Another very important event was the organization of international conference along with the Prague City Archives, The Institute of History,v.v.i. and Faculty of Social Sciences at Charles University named  Města ve středověku a raném novověku jako badatelské téma posledních dvou desetiletí (October 2011). At this conference, the research activities of Department of History were presented by three main papers. With the support of projects of Aktion and Czech-German Fund of Future was also prepared a German version of a supplement of  Ústecký sborník historický as an outcome of the international conference bearing the same name which is Stav a perspektivy zpřístupňování městských knih v českých zemích ve středověku a raném novověku – in cooperation with the UNI Münster and the publishing house Böhlau. The Czech version of the publication see : Michaela Hrubá, Ludmila Sulitková, Vilém Zábranský (eds.), Stav a perspektivy zpřístupňování městských knih v českých zemích ve středověku a raném novověku, Ústecký sborník historický, Supplementum I., 2010.
At the Department the team of experienced professionals deals with the issue of urban research and this research is supported as one of the main research themes in which postgraduate students are also involved -doc. PhDr. M. Hrubá, Ph.D., doc. PhDr. L. Sulitková, CSc., PhDr. P. Rak, Ph.D., students of doctorś study programmes – Mgr. V. Zábranský, Mgr. E. Němečková, Mgr. K. Matasová, external collaborators – State district archives in  Litoměřic - Mgr. P. Mareš, Ph.D., Mgr. M. Myšička. 

(co-applicants department)

Within the project  this department mainly took part in methodical  activities concerning research and publication of the series  Libri civitatis. Its workers had their share on preparation of each volume. Department of Auxiliary Historical Sciences and Archive Studies focuses on basic research in the area of auxiliary historical sciences, further on publishing activities – publication of  written resources, especially from the period of Middle Ages and Early Modern Times, it also participates in the preparation of publication  rules and principles relating to editorial work with diplomatic material. Finally it takes part in preparation of paleographic aids. This area also undoubtedly involves basic research related to town offices, their activities and office production.  The Department staff also participated in the project Ediční řada Nejstarší městské knihy severozápadních a severních Čech  (GAČR No.404/04/0261)and in other projects concerning editorial activities with the aim to make resources accessible. The workers of  the Department, namely Doc.Pátková and Doc. Ebelová have already had broad  experience in editorial work, both are recognized experts in this area.  They deal with editions also with respect to paleographic point of view. (e.g.  GAČR Regionální paleografické edice jako základ sledování obecného vývoje písma I, No. 404/02/0187).

PragueCity Archives

In terms of the project the PCA mainly participated  on preparation of the database of town books. Its workers provided methodological assistance for their external partners in other involved archives in the country. The main activity was to draw up their own funds and particularly they took part in publication of two volumes of the series Libri Civitatis  that has made accessible the Books of Burgher Rights in New Town, Prague.
Prague City Archives has in its funds a collection of  8500 manuscripts and town books which are under investigation. It prepares and makes this material available for researchers.. The PCA deals with material of town character, with research of town books, municipal administration and municipal offices so obviously this subject makes an important part of scientific research activities of the PCA. The PCA is a regular organizer of conferences and seminars on town resources, development of towns, municipal administration and various aspects of development of towns. At these professional  meetings are always presented also  foreign researchers (mainly from Germany, Poland and Austria), which is documented in the content of conference collections.  In recent years the PCA organized following conferences, that  resulted in already published conference collections or collections that are being prepared now:
Osm set let pražské samosprávy (2000); Pražské městské elity středověku a raného novověku (2002); Město a voda. Město na řece (2003); Dobrou chuť, velkoměsto (2004). The PCA presents town resources also at exhibitions, e.g. Osm století pražské samosprávy (2000).
The PCA has in long-term paticipated in professional activities and publication activities relating to history of towns and town resources – we can name here publications of the continuous series of journals and conference collections:
Pražský sborník historický (  34 volumes so far)
Documenta Pragensia (23 volumes)
Documenta Pragensia – Monographia (19 volumes)
(journals are focused on the history of towns in general, they also present results of research of town books and town administration).
The PCA has issued editions of several town books  (Berní knihy Starého Města pražského 1427-1434, ed. H. Pátková, Praha 1996; Nájemníci na Starém Městě pražském roku 1608, edition and reconstruction of the manuscript  No. 324, ed. J. Čechura- Z. Hojda-M. Novozámská, Praha 1997; Spojení pražských měst v roce1784, ed. edition of the manuscript No. 322, ed. O. Bastl, Praha 2003).

The Brno city archive

In terms of the project the BCA mainly participated  on preparation of the database of town books. Its staff provided methodological assistance for their external partners in other involved archives in Moravia. The Brno City Archives is an institution with a long tradition  and rich archive funds, dating back to the 13th century (apart from medieval privileges and papers the fund can be regarded as an extraordinarily rich especially in  medieval and early modern town books).  The City Archive belongs among institutions with a long and systematic tradition of working with older archival records, particularly papers and   town books  (Doc.J. Dřímal , Doc. L. Sulitková,  Dr. H. Jordánková.  Mgr.V Němcová-Wihodová  and others). The tradition obviously resulted in numerous studies and editions of  paper and library materials. Currently almost all funds of the Archives (including a specialized library containing rare and elsewhere unavailable Brunnensia) have been moved to a modern purpose-built building in Brno – Černovice. This building provides both adequate spaces for storage of archival and library collections and of course also other spaces and offices for its staff equipped with appropriate modern technology.

Copyright 2011-2012. Libri civitatis - dokumentace a zpřístupňování městských knih v České republice. Filozofická fakulta UJEP v Ústí nad Labem. Webmaster: Martina Beranová.
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