Editorial series Libri Civitatis
Scientific editor/ senior editor:
The series Libri Civitatis focuses on publication of the oldest and most significant manuscripts of town books preserved in the Czech and Moravian archives. The aim of the series is to make these important documents available for researchers with additional critical apparatus, including comments on language character of manuscripts. There are,however, town books, whose character of records requires different approach. This concerns for example the Books of Burgher Rights for which was used more appropriate form of regest records arranged in charts. Generally individual volumes of the series are structured as follows. Methodologically they are based on literature below:
- Introductory historical study
- The formal description (diplomatic - paleographic analysis of the document)
- Language analysis (especially with regard to language development)
- Study on the content of the document
- Detailed editorial note
- Edition of the documents with a critical apparatus
- Bibliography
- Foreign language summary (English, German)
- Indexes - name, local, subject
Editorial work takes into account the nature of the manuscript, the period of its origin and language, in which it was written. It is follows editorial principles, see:
I.ŠŤOVÍČEK A KOL, Zásady pro vydávání historických pramenů od počátku 16. století do současnosti, Praha 2002.
J. SCHULTZE, Richtlinien für äussere Textgestalgung bei Herausgabe von Quellen zur neueren deutschen Geschichte, Blätter für deutsche Landesgeschichte 1962, Jhg. 98, s. 1-11.
M. THUMSER, Verfahrensweisen bei der Edition deutschsprachiger Geshichtsquellen (13.–16. Jahrhundert), s. 13–34, in: Edition deutschsprachiger Quellen aus dem Ostseeraum (14.–16. Jahrhundert), Hrsg. Matthias Thumser, Janusz Tandecki, Dieter Heckmann. Toruń 2001.